The local bodies include the Kozhikode Municipal Corporation which stretches over a spatial area of 82.67 square kilometers. May fifteenth 1980 saw the formation of the Kozhikode Development Authority for facilitating the urban development of the Kozhikode area. With the rapid paced development cyber parks coming up in the vicinity. The population would be a mixed bag of the traditional and the modern. The up and coming IT generation would have rich salaries and the ability to pay for the best of services.
Electricity Services in Kozhikode
The Kerala State Electricity Board is the apex body responsible for the supply of power to the area. The KSEB had been trying to give full value over the past decade. The reforms are being carried out. Under the ‘Restructured Accelerated Power Development and Reform Program or the R- APDRP’. These program input would help the citizens of Kozhikode overcome the bane of power fluctuation, shortages and all forms of power theft.Water Services in Kozhikode
Water is one of the most essential provisions of life. The larger part of the water supply to the Kozhikode area is from the Kerala Water Authority. This water supply is further supplemented by the Calicut water supply scheme that supplies drinking water to this particular area. Along with the provision of water there is also the provision of public health care services for solid waste management or garbage disposal. This is located at the behest of the Kozhikode Municipal Corporation Sanitation Department.Bank Services in Kozhikode
Kozhikode boast of one of the earliest established banks in the country called the Malabar Cooperative Central Bank Ltd. Which has under gone a further step to become the Kozhikode District Cooperative Bank Ltd. The Bank underwent several changes till finally its current form was registered when its by-laws were amended in 1985.Fire Services in Kozhikode
Kozhikode got its fire services along with two other districts i.e. Ernakulum and Thiruvanthapuram in 1962. The department was called the Kerala Fire and Rescue Services Department with the mandate to always provide protection services for the life and property of the citizens of Kozhikode from fire, accident and other natural calamities. The Station Officer of the Kozhikode fire station looks after the day-to-day duties under the assistance of the Assistant Station Officer.Municipal Services in Kozhikode
All forms of services become the purview of a municipality whether they concern the health, hygiene and day-to-day existence of the citizen or are concerned with maintaining a particular living standard among a geographic spread of people and their livestock and lands.Postal and Courier Services in Kozhikode
The postal services of Kozhikode are the best with a central post office located prominently on the SM Street. There are two very good courier services popular in Kozhikode are the Aramen Courier and Cargo services located in Calicut and the French Emperor network located also in Calicut.Press and Media in Kozhikode
The hub of all media activities of Kozhikode can easily be described as the Calicut Press Club which was set up in 1970. From the days of its formation the club has grown by leaps and bounds from a membership of a mere seventy members to almost three hundred. The Calicut Press Club had shown its responsibility towards the public and its right to be informed accurately has been recognized through the awards instituted by it which are the CH Mohd. Koya National Award, the K C Madhava Kurup Award, the P. Unni Krishnan Memorial Award, the Mushtaq Award and the Theruath Raman Award.Telecom and Broadband Services in Kozhikode
Kozhikode has had its progress charted out with its infrastructural development. The setting up of four cyber parks has almost made it mandatory for almost all the major telecom services to make their presence in the area. Thus, most telecom and broadband services are competing for a major share of the Kozhikode clientele.Packers and Movers in Kozhikode
There is bound to be a lot of movement in and around Kozhikode with the development of newer services. There are several people moving into the area therefore necessitating the need for having reliable and efficient ‘Mover and Packers’ services. One of the popular movers and packers of this area is the Galaxy Relocation services located in the Amina Building of Mushtaq Road. On Gunny Street at Kozhikode.Rural Development Services in Kozhikode
Kozhikode has been traditionally the agricultural centre for black pepper and all kinds of spices. Besides, the region has crops like coconut, tubers paddy, tapioca, banana etc. There is a Principal Agricultural Officer responsible for the upkeep of the agricultural activities in Kozhikode.The agricultural functions of Kozhikode are boasted by the three canals namely the Elathur – Kallai canal, the Badagara Mahe canal as also the Beypore Kallai Canal. Besides looking after the irrigation services in the area there is another form of services for which the Kozhikode Municipal Corporation takes responsibility. That is the responsibility for providing timely and efficient flood control services.
Dairy Development Services in Kozhikode
Dairy is yet another aspect of the Kozhikode economy that has an adequate services network being conducted through twelve centres for imparting extension services. The two at Kozhikode and Vadakara are conducting all forms of discussion classes, a large variety of demonstration classes, a wide variety of film shows giving various aspects of the farming and dairy farming as well as agricultural functions and practices conducive to the healthy growth and perpetuation of the innumerable crops and allied processes. A number of exhibitions, cattle shows as well as vegetable and spices shows are organized from time to time by these extension centers to encourage farmers to adopt progressive methods.Fisheries Development Services in Kozhikode
The fisheries department too provides all forms of services in the development of fisheries by instructing about the temperature, climate, water currents and all such information that could be useful for the local fisheries of Kozhikode.Thus, Kozhikode is a thriving amalgamation of the old and the new. The confluence of the traditional occupation with the modern has along with the emerging opportunities and technologies provoked the government and various private agencies to provide the necessary facilities and utilities that are promotive of progress and development of the people. There is also the fact that currently Kozhikode stands poised to take the giant leap into the next quarter of the millennium on the wings of the cyber park dynamics fast mushrooming all over this culturally rich niche of the Malabar.